Unhealthy, Junk Food Disguised as Health Food

Junk Food Disguised as Health Food! Unhealthy "Healthy" Foods, Nutrition

today I'm going to give you the secrets that you can use to avoid these toxic foods disguised as healthy foods. So, let's get started already the first thing is a loaf of bread and as you can see it got pushed. Because that's what happens to this kind of bread right so let's just turn this over and take a little look at the ingredient list. Just glancing at this ingredient list and its really long we got really really tiny print right and we got high fructose corn syrup.

We have soy bean oil and since most of the soy produced in the United States is GMO probably safe to assume that this is GMOs. You have let the yeast dough conditioners which could be there sodium stearoyl lactylate it's got a whole list of different chemicals that could be can. What are the cool things they say about bread like this is that you can see you know how much destruction is really containing the bread like pushing? Right so we started with this big loaf of bread and when we squish out all of the air this is what's left that's not very much food. Process using partial food is really good example of one of them.
Sodium so as one of these other a little bit and you can actually usually.
Right up in a regular oven when you heat something up.

Meaning that it is a smart start to your day I help me start to your day and have Viber as whole-grain. On it which people associate with being healthy has antioxidants are healthy so let's just take a little gander at the nutritional in an interesting way this nutritionalist is actually somewhat short. When we do read them when we find out well we've got a whole grain wheat rice sugar is the third ingredient that right there should be a red flag? Flower honey corn syrup brown sugar syrup polydextrose which is another way that they process sugar to create another sweet chemical mult labor.
Artificial flavor soy lecithin which is also GMO and BHT for freshness so my comments on this would be. Chemical the colors and stuff like that are actually banned in several different countries things like literally if you bought this product in another country it would have different ingredients in it. The, contain the corn syrup Princeton another note is about this BHT for freshness so BHT that's really naturally its beauty queen own.

Tific studies you can find it on Wikipedia that is known. Peter and DNA damage and cytotoxic which is toxic to yourself with who wants that right but they put it in here to keep it fresh. And then again something like artificial flavor right where they don't even tell you what the chemical is they just give you a nice little. Even the word natural flavor that doesn't mean that it's natural they can get a natural flavor from just about anything. Image processing method I'm so actually you know what I'll get more into natural braided later but what I want to do its just point out that okay so these. And in that one cup we've got 14 grams of sugar and 44 grams of carbs but I want to.
Sugar sugar sugar. Sugar sugar.

Really and truly has I'm looking at all of these really long ingredient list I feel like a freaking Lab Rats because there's no way! Different food additives and put chemicals out there that they actually been able to attend every single one for safety in every different. You also notice on these labels it'll take less than 2% of and then it has a whole list of things not because the FDA has put out. Hey, its only save up to this level of 2.2%. Every single food you're eating contains less than 2% of the harmful chemicals and you eat them everyday will then be scientists have no way!

Exposed to other chemicals right. Different chemicals etc so Lab Rats Central right here and what I want to compare it to you have already have been I've been eating this but this is a really. So, this is a Bob's Red Mill it's a hot cereal in attack. But if we turn it over and look at its ingredients its got probably less than 10 whole grain oats brown rice corn soy beans millet sorghum oat bran sunflower seeds and flaxseed there's no way!

You can actually go to you no google images and look up a picture of what that food looks like so we can get the difference between. Processed food filled with chemical and natural food right it's a lot less processed and It's going to be a lot easier on our. Free dollar 99 at the grocery store that I go to and it's great because when you could just add very very little bit of honey you are a little bit of maple syrup you have a lot of free time to really play with how does food is going to take okay.

Healthy right and we typically think of yogurt as being healthy things ocarina why are you riding on my Yoplait what's wrong with it what was just turn it over. Ingredients so again the one that really jumps out at me is the aspartame again we've got another artificial sweetener in this mood that is being told you no one has the word light. Better for us the aspartame is not something that's better for us and even with aspartame you still that 10 grams of sugar in this little guy. \

Gelatin we've got modified corn starch another allstar Food chemical which i think is in all of these different food and. GMO crops well then it's probably GMO corn was found in this is in the yogurt and that it also has red number 40 again we're back to artificial colors what you're actually banned in many different countries artificial colors have been associated with. Artificial colors and all of their behavioral issues and in what seemed to be learning disabilities or something like that just advantage.

And sugar out of the diet so what does that say about how healthy it is I'm going to show you a comparison right here is another little yogurt.
Ingredients got a pretty short little ingredient list there which is nice but then it also has this little thing where it kind of sad this milk is from grass fed cow no high fructose corn syrup. When there's certainly no artificial colours and again these were really pretty comfortable and price?

I have a couple things left one of them is a meat product and one of them is a vegetarian substitute marketed to be healthy right hey this is a vegetarian alternative to me. With diesel turkey sausage snack and typically we think of Turkey as being healthy because it's only need its actually really really high and. But if we turn this ingredient label / actually looking at the nutrition facts we can see that well there's you know where was he was at 4 grams of protein. Let me 75% of this is actually fat so what we thought was going to be healthier with the turkey is low in fat no actually this is out 75. So, that probably no kind of discount so it would help you about the turkey and then also we have chemicals like carrageenan we have sodium nitrate which we have no.\

When we separated Turkey you want to know what is mechanically separated Turkey looks like I mean talk about a highly processed food? Is junk food and again it makes this kind of claims on the front you know gluten free no MSG added kind of making you think? They're trying to market to you all I want is your money I don't care about your health so now we've got the vegetarian. Neither chicken nugget without it without it without the E in the end it takes enough chicken nuggets alright so you got these chicken nugget. Again okay so here's our ingredient label right here and again we got this red flag of like cons of ingredients super 8. Magnifying glass and actually within these healthy vegetarian alternative to me we've got autolyzed yeast extract which is another name.

MGM there's actually another food here that also had MSG in it that I forgot to mention but I think I dragged them hard enough. Strin we've got a lot of the artificial flavors of course soybean oil hydrolyzed soy beans that's way proteins to again either GMOs.

 Ultimate of sender and the saddest thing is is that people will buy this product thinking that it's healthy thinking that is a healthy. Really what they want to think looking at the front of this label but you're smarter than that right you're not going to fall for it. We can notice on here is the third and 9 grams of fat in 4 chicken chicken nuggets with a lot of fat and chances are you're not going to. And I don't have an alternative to this one because your alternative is to eat a freaking vegetable like zucchini or squash or at. Others tumben tons and tons of it. Its going to be a really awesome vegetarian alternative to meet and is not going to contain all these crazy toxic you know cannibal.\

So, thank you so much for joining me today for Karina's mystery grocery bag and join me again next time where I'm going to cover. The beverages that we think are healthy or that claim to be healthy on the label and also offering you a good healthy alternative. So, if you like to learn more about me and my health coaching practice you can visit Karina Rachel. Calm. To subscribe to the psyche truth channel so you can see all of our future articles and leave me a comment let me know.

What your thoughts are on any of these foods if I bash one of the foods that? Umm let me know and if you're wondering about some other alternatives to maybe one of the foods I mention to leave me a comment with that at all actually get back to you I'll let you know what a healthy alternative would be thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again next time.